Ok, today is at least somehow more refreshing and fun. Went out to ESCAPE with my primary school friends. It is like so long since i last saw them. Some i didnt even see them for ages. I think about 2 or 3 years liao. But the shit thing is that my phone has got no batt. Argggg. Forget to charge ytd nite. I rmb i saw about 10% left but i forget to charge and went to sleep. It is realli TMD, but luckily, i managed to meet them...
Haha, how i miss the primary school life. It is so fun. But to think of it, i realli cant rmb wat i did when i was in primary schools.... Haha.
Woke up at around 7 am today coz i was realli too excited. Then went out to meet with my frens at junction 8 at about 9 plus ba. dun realli rmb.
They changed so much lar. It is like, if they dun call me, i wouldnt noe it is them... Ppl like wen qiang, hwa pheng, zhen wei..... many many many many many more.. lazy to type them all out arh...
Ok, then we went J8 to buy some things. bought some crackers to eat on the bus. =p
Then we went to take 58 and got there. the trip is quite boring... the bus ride alone is about 1 hour ba. Then we reached there at about close to 11. I tink... Then we went in and enjoy ourselves. Away from the muggings and muggings....
First is the haunted house... it is the most obvious one that you can see when u got in. Ok, i held on to johnathan realli tight. Was quite scary so i.... didnt scream. =) Then we played the go-kart coz it is still quite early and not many ppl were there. =). Went for 2 or 3 rounds. cant rmb. haha. bad memory.
Then we even played the kiddy ferris wheel. If u have been there before, u will noe that it is realli small. haha. 2 ppl in one box. other kids can have 3 but we too 'big' so 2 in one. It is quite surprising that the guy actually let us go in. haha
Anyway, played a lot of things and many things and many things... Okay, i am realli tired and want to sleep liao. Oh, after Escape, we went to play in the arcade. I tink we came out at about 6plus then went home. posted this now coz i was eating with my family =P.
Ya, so this is it man. Wasted one day for not studying. haha. NVM, work harder tmr. =)
~LoN3Ly M3~